“Why have a funeral when you can have a parade?” Those words were said with laughter from an Irishman who died of COVID on St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago during the height of the pandemic.
If you’ve ever been to Chicago, you know what a big deal St. Patrick’s Day can be. Officials in that city dye the river green, and the parade goes on for what seems like forever. The Irishman made the comment when his daughter asked me recently about his well-being, as she was unable to give him a funeral or say goodbye. I smiled when I gave her his answer and told her, “Well, he certainly has a sense of humor.” She agreed.
Even in Death Joy and Laughter Can Be Healing
There’s an Associated Press story about Albin Langus. In his final days with a terminal lung disease, he began to see things. One day he began to giggle. When his daughter Beth asked him what was going on, he said, “Everybody is together and we’re all just having a wonderful time. We’re having so much fun.” Those were his last words, his daughter said.
While visiting my ailing mother-in-law, I noticed her bedroom was engulfed in white light, and her mother, who was deceased, was standing by her bed. About an hour later, I heard what had to be her sister, Maureen, calling out her name and playfully saying, “Come on Patty!” At that moment, I “saw” a big smile cross her face and watched as she ran after her sister into the light.
Humor can be healing in the right situation because it can reduce tension and stress and while releasing endorphins. Just make sure you know the patient, says Mary Kay Morrison, president of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.
“While death cannot be cured, your frame of mind is something that you can change.” – Mary Kay Morrison
Why Didn’t He Wait?
Oftentimes we don’t have the opportunity to say goodbye to a loved one when he passes away. We may be sitting with him for a week or two, then leave for five minutes, and the person has passed in the interim. Why didn’t he wait? I believe the individual wanted the loved one to have the last memory to be of life rather than death.
“When I have prepared a family member ahead of time of the possibility that they will not be present at time of death, and the death happens in their absence, they usually say to me that they understand why. They will say, ‘He couldn’t bear to leave while I was sitting there. When I left his side, he knew that I would be okay and he could go.’” – Pallimed.org
That Death Was Unexpected!
I’ve seen a few people die in front of me. One was a street racer, and another was participating in a long-distance skating event. The motorcyclist sat up after death and reached for the sky. The skater, who had succumbed to a massive heart attack, reached for the sky in death as well.
Not all deaths are represented by hands reaching towards heaven. Often, the spirit of a person becomes a mist that rises from the body, or there might be a bright glow around the person.
A soul was captured leaving a body in China. The woman was lying on a gurney and pronounced dead, and a sheet was draped over her still form. Moments later, CCTV captured a mist rising from the body, taking on human form and walking away.
Dr. Raymond Moody writes, “Some say it looks like smoke, while others say it is as subtle as steam. Sometimes it seems to have a human shape. Whatever the case, it usually drifts upward and always disappears fairly quickly.”
“People think of death as such a hard thing, but it’s actually beautiful.” – Enza Piazza, Medium
While some people experience traumatic deaths, they may find peace quickly following death, so long as there are no issues to resolve on the earth plane.
In 2011, a dear friend of mine died in a traumatic way. I was grief stricken. Much to my surprise, three days after her death she was contacting me on my electronics. She wanted me to get some old letters I had of hers to give to her daughter – with specific redactions, of course. Even in my grief, my funny friend found a way to make me laugh.
As a practicing psychic and medium, I can communicate with the dead, and have helped clients resolve feelings of sadness and guilt for not “being there,” when a loved one passes. If the individual seeking guidance was not in the room when the loved one died, chances are it wasn’t supposed to happen. While feelings of guilt and sadness are normal, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, it’s better to give loved one’s life again by sharing their stories.
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