Stories abound where animals – wild and domestic – know when humans need help and respond accordingly. Of course, it goes both ways: we help each other.
Are Animals Intuitive?
I’ve had multiple experiences where animals approach me looking for assistance – like the large snapping turtle that showed up in my suburban front yard one day looking for water. Thankfully, I was able to transport him to a nearby creek. He was the third snapping turtle I’ve helped over the years!
More than once opossums have found a way to let me know trouble is afoot after wandering into my yard. Each time, I’m permitted to lift the oppossum by the tail and transport it to safety.
In South Africa, a hyena limped towards our truck and looked at me. We were stopping for a moment while traveling through Kruger National Park. I sent healing energy towards the poor creature’s leg through the open truck window.
Another time a Siberian Husky walked up my driveway slowly and looked at me through my window. It was clear the dog was exhausted as he had been traveling for awhile. I found the address on his collar and walked him home.
Your Pet Can Warn You of Impending Danger
It’s important to create a relationship with your pet, says animal communicator, Caroline Lusky.
“You need to know their behavior. Dogs have different barks and sounds. When they bark in their sleep you can tell they are dreaming. When someone is at the door, they give a warning bark. Even cats have different meows,” she said. “They are communicating with you, and you need to pay attention.”
A 2019 study of 2,000 pet owners found that about 82 percent believed pets improved their mental and emotional health. In fact, nine out of ten survey respondents said they feel safer when their dog is around.
Pets Excel at Saving Their Human “Parents”
When my parents brought a three-year old rescue schnauzer home when I was six years old, I was excited because I finally had a dog to call my own. That little dog saved my life. She alerted me with a series of warning barks when a man on the next street threatened to take me into the woods. Ironically, another little girl on my street had a similar experience three years later. She, too, was saved when a white German Shepherd, owned by a neighbor, stopped the same man from attacking her. The dogs knew.
Later in life, my Chow-Shepherd mix , Charlie, protected my friends and I while hiking. As we were standing on a dirt road preparing to walk down the mountain, two men drove up, jumped out of their car and began walking toward us. At that moment, Charlie bristled, bared his teeth, and growled like a bear. The men scurried back into their vehicle and left in a hurry!
Then there was the time my cat, Pretty Girl, ran to me as I walked down the hall in my house. Her eyes were filled with fear. She told me telepathically that my kitchen was on fire. She saved all of us of that day.
“They aren’t any different than us. They are just functioning on a different level of consciousness.” – Caroline Lusky
Pets are Unspoken Heroes
One day, a man stepped outside to grab some firewood. He slipped and fell and broke his neck. His golden retriever, Kelsey, barked for 20 hours until a neighbor who heard the dog barking from ¼ mile away went to check on him and found him paralyzed in the snow.
Then there’s the story of a Kentucky family who failed to realize the baby and the family dog were missing. While dad battled the flames, the family dog grabbed the baby girl by her diaper and drug her out of the danger zone. “He grabbed the back of the diaper, put his teeth through the back of the diaper and didn’t even touch her and pulled her into the living room,” the father said.
In the 1990s, a pig named Lulu became a media sensation and earned the Gold Award from the ASPCA for saving her owner. According to multiple news reports, the lady was alone in her house when she had a heart attack. Her dog began barking but was unable to alert anyone, so the family’s pet pig broke out of the yard and laid down in the road as if she was dead. A good Samaritan felt sorry for the animal and stopped to help the pig. That’s when he heard the woman’s cry for help and called an ambulance.
Wild Animals Save Humans Too
If you take a quick look online, you will discover multiple stories of wild animals that step up to help people in danger.
A 12-year-old girl was walking home from school in Ethiopia when she was snatched by a group of men and held for a week as a captive. When the men attempted to move her, three lions appeared and chased the men away. The lions surrounded the girl until authorities arrived, then they went back into the forest.
Then there’s the story of the Ohio woman who was dragged behind a building and attacked by a man who began choking her with her purse straps. As fate would have it, a foraging deer heard the noise and ran out from a nearby bush and scared the man away. The woman was left bruised and shaken but alive.
There are multiple stories of dolphins saving humans from shark attacks. In 2007, California surfer Todd Endris was bitten severely three times by a great white shark. A pod of dolphins saved the day when they showed up and circled around him, leading him safely back to shore.
You Can Help Save The Animals
Overpopulation, deforestation, climate change and other factors result in the loss of multiple species of animals and insects each year. By helping our planet, we help the animal kingdom and ourselves. recommends taking the following steps to help heal our planet:
- Eat less meat
- Purchase “zero waste” clothing
- Support independent media
- Sign a petition
- Do what you can: reduce waste, plant trees, reuse stuff, don’t use single use plastics, recycle, compost
- Support the world wildlife fund
- Support your local animal shelter.
- Adopt don’t shop because every animal deserves a chance.
I am a big proponent of planting native trees and plants and leaving some leaves on the ground so insects – including butterflies, lightening bugs and snakes – have a winter home. Please consider what you might do to help our planet thrive.
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