Friends of mine jokingly refer to my family members and I as “psychic family.”
As a teenager, my sister asked me what her future career was going to look like. I closed my eyes and “saw” her pulling luggage behind her as she walked quickly through an airport. I told her: “Looks like you are going to be spending a lot of time in airports! Perhaps a career spent traveling?” Today, my sister works for an airline where she flies all over the world.
Does Your Family Have Psychic Gifts?
My sister has the amazing ability of staying out of danger in foreign countries, to the point where she finds herself flying out of the country just as chaos erupts. My dad could read people quickly, which was helpful in his sales career. Mom had the ability to see future events, and would call us out on not-so-good future plans. Aunt Fran was able to predict the future and knew if someone was alive or dead based on a photograph.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences is studying DNA of families that share psychic abilities. The first study began with interviews of 3,000 people around the world. Of that number, 13 individuals were studied and a genetic marker was discovered. Results will require further study to determine if the study can be replicated.
Other studies indicate genetic factors do exist for the shared gifts of telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (perception of remote events) and precognition (knowledge of future events).
“These abilities are also more common than some might realize, possibly because of taboos that prevent people from openly discussing them. For example, a recent study found that over 85% of 899 respondents, including 175 scientists and engineers, had personally experienced at least one psychic phenomenon.” – Genetics of Psychic Ability
Psychic Twins: Linda and Terry Jamison
Stories abound of identical twins experiencing a psychic connection, including the story of Linda and Terry Jamison of California. They began their career in New York City as writers, painters, and actors, and eventually moved to Los Angeles, California, where they are known as “The Psychic Twins.” In their book, “Psychic Intelligence,” they offer step by step instructions on ways you can improve clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.
“There is a hierarchy of abilities, as with any talent. We believe everyone has some degree of intuition that can be developed,” they said.
I connected to my young neighbors when they moved in next door as toddlers. Max and Morgan are awesome teenagers today who clearly have the gift. Their mom says, “They always seem to just ‘know.’”
Everyone is Gifted
Each of us has psychic abilities, which can change and improve over time. Abilities may seem limited at first, such as knowing who is about to call, or knowing that a parking place will appear just where you want it. Silent meditation is one of the best ways to experience expanded consciousness. Sitting silently can be challenging. Group meditation is a great starting point. If there are no group meditation events nearby, there are plenty of meditations on YouTube you can try.
Expanded Consciousness Begins with Meditation
Edgar Cayce is known as The Sleeping Profit. Cayce could diagnose ailments and treatments for diseases while sleeping. Sessions were shared with the people who needed guidance. In 1931, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) was created in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to help people with enlightenment. His best advice to become more intuitive is to get out of your own way and allow your inner voice to come through.
“One quick way is pausing impulsive actions and reactions to allow inner perceptions to express their view. Another way is to develop a conscious awareness in sleep, reflection, or meditation. Becoming conscious in sleep is called “lucid,” thus the term lucid dreaming. Being conscious in mediation has levels of awareness, but the ultimate level is serene stillness in the “womb” of God, the Source of our lives. Eastern teachings call this the “void,” but it is an unexplainable void of vitality. The ultimate is ineffable on a human level.” –
Take the First Step in Improving Your Intuition
Intuitive Souls blog offers tips to improve your intuition. For more on the subject visit:
Here are just a few.
- Meditate Daily for 10-15 minutes
- Know Your Spirit Guides
- Try psychometry (reading the energy of things to determine a “story”)
- Practice using your intuition.
- Take a walk in nature.
- Make a symbol book for yourself (allow certain symbols to represent yes or no)
- Visit an antique store and see what you feel around certain items.
- Lay quietly in bed at night and listen to the night sounds – this practice sharpens your hearing.
- Do practice readings on friends.
- Tune in to your pet.
- Eat healthy foods, what they call “high-vibe foods”
- Keep a dream journal
- Learn about self protection (check out these prayers: )
- Ask a friend to call you telepathically.
Looking for a One-on-One Reading?
If you are looking for clarity, have a question, or you would like to know what is ahead for you in your life, reach out and connect with on the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!