I walked into a vitamin store the other day and began chatting with the man behind the counter. He was wearing a small pin on his jacket; I asked him about its significance. He said, “It’s my 13th angel pin.” He explained he watches for signs from the universe – specifically signs around the number 13 – which tell him “heads up! Something is coming your way.”
One day, he was driving along and began noticing the number 13, on a street sign, on a car tag, as a designated parking lot number, and on his watch. He interpreted the multiple images of 13 as a reminder to be careful.
His heightened awareness helped him avoid a driver who blew through a red light that would have killed him, he said.
What is the 13th Angel?
The 13th angel is believed to be a heavenly intermediary, a guide that brings messages of hope and guidance, opens the door to new opportunities, serves as a protective force that offers insights and clarity for people who seek answers, and more.
An ace is a strong card to have when playing poker and other card games because the card can be used as a 1 or an 11. Ace in tarot is powerful too as it represents new ideas and possibilities. When number one and number three are combined to make 13, the result is a very powerful combination.
“Number 1 has a vibration of new ideas, new beginnings, progress and individuality, while the number 3 symbolizes passion, motivation, optimism, self–expression, inspiration. Number 3 is also the number of the Ascended Masters.” – AngelNumber.org
Ascended Masters Are Here to Help
You may be familiar with some of the ascended masters including Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Confucius. Each may be called again for help and guidance when we need it. Tana Hoy says ascended masters represent enlightened beings who were once human but paid off “karmic debt,” and no longer need to reincarnate. Instead, they have acquired a large body of knowledge, which helps those of us here on earth who are seeking healers, teachers and trustworthy guides. For more information on additional ascended masters visit: annasayce.com.
The Love Connection
So how do you know if you’ve made a connection with an ascended master? You may feel overwhelmed by radiant light and strong love, depending on how susceptible you are to the energy, says Tana Hoy. The feeling of love is unmistakable; I came across something similar one day when touching the arm of bishop to ask for assistance. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with the power of love to such a degree that the feeling and sense of awe has never been forgotten.
The thought of experiencing this type of energy can be scary, that’s why we find ourselves connecting with ascended masters and other angelic beings while we sleep as it’s easier to “make a connection” when our conscious minds are not active.
Occasionally while sleeping, I discover myself on a mountaintop where an elderly man sits in silence gazing over snow-covered mountains. He pats the ground beside him for me to sit in silence too. I’ve identified him as Bodhidharma, the father of Zen Buddhism. And, while these nocturnal meetings are rare, I always feel refreshed, calm and centered the next morning.
Activating Your Angel
There are other ways we can activate our angels including asking for the help of a specific angel, asking for your guardian angel’s help, finding a human angel, or asking for the right angel to come to you for the task at hand. Ask for signs that you are being heard, and if you still don’t sense anything, then ask for an obvious sign.
Angels can work with us through our solar plexus (a tightening/butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach) to let you know something is up, shout at you inside your head, or send you a premonition in your dreams. Another way they communicate is to create delays in travel. I always take a moment to thank the angels for the delay because it could mean I’ve avoided a terrible wreck or other calamity.
Today, I missed a turn and had to circle back to the exit. When I looked over, I saw a two-car wreck had occurred. In that moment, I realized once again the angels were looking out for me.
If you receive a warning of some kind, ask for protection.