We communicate with our animals in a variety of ways. Sometimes their needs are simple: they want to play, or they are thirsty, hungry or tired. Animals have a different way of looking at the world. They are attuned to our emotions, the weather and danger. They may protect us, feel threatened by us or ask for our help.
Recently, I had the rare opportunity to see all manner of animals in a somewhat natural habitat: Krueger Park (about the size of Florida in land mass) and n
ature preserves along the South African Coast. There were prides of lions; herds of elephants and zebras; a jackal stalking prey; a leopard eating an impala in a tree; giraffes eating green leaves from the tops of tall trees; hippos submersed in a watering hole; a hornbill feeding its babies in a hollowed out tree; a family of warthogs; monkeys and baboons; lone hyenas and groups of hyraxes. I saw hundreds of penguins that seemed perfectly content living at a shoreline nature preserve with easy access to the ocean.
Sometimes I would reach out with my mind – sending healing energy and love – to see if I could capture an animal’s attention and get a closer look. Often, I was ignored, but sometimes I was lucky. At one point, a baby warthog ran up to me as if to say, “Hi! I’m a baby warthog!” If I didn’t know better, I would think he was smiling. Another time, a hyena edged towards me with his sore foot, and I sent healing energy towards him until he ambled off.
To see all of these animals “in the wild” was an indescribable experience. It provided a much better understanding of how animals relate in the wild and to each other. It also prepared me better for helping a pet after my return.
A Dog That Was Ready to Depart
At the end of October, a friend mentioned that her dog was not well and was being treated for a common disease. I told her I might be able to help as I was a healing channel.
Her name was Bella. She was a 10-year-old bulldog rescue. When I first saw her she was lying on a mat on the floor panting. I began talking to her and did an energy check. I felt rather than saw that she had a cancerous tumor that was making it difficult for her to breath. She also had cancer in her stomach. She had been misdiagnosed by the vet, unfortunately.
I worked on her for some time and told her mom that she had cancer, and she was ready to go. I cried as I worked with her. On a positive note, she was stoic about her condition and kept reaching for me with her paw because the energy work made her feel good. Her mom said, “I don’t want to let her go.” I asked Bella if she was willing to stay just a little while longer. She agreed. For the next three days, Bella showed her mom that she could walk and eat and be affectionate just as she always was. On the third day, she laid down and died. I think it gave her mom comfort and an opportunity to say goodbye.
I tell this story because it relates to the South Africa experience. Even though the animals were in danger of being eaten, or lacked water because the land was so dry, they were stoic, happy even and accepted the life they had. Perhaps, we too, could learn to accept life as it is and enjoy the special moments just as the animals do.