Have you ever been in a place and noticed what looked like a ball of light or lights floating around you? According to the website LearnReligions.com these balls of light, called orbs, may be angels. As orbs have no corners, it makes energy flow and travel through different dimensions easier. These “spirit vehicles,” represent “eternity, wholeness, and unity, making orbs the best way for angels to move about the earth.”
“Angels travel to the earthly dimension through light rays, they sometimes use orbs as vehicles for their energy to travel within.” – LearnReligions.com
What Is This Ball of Light?
Is that an orb, an insect, or a speck of dust? Sometimes it is hard to tell. For example, if you video a scene at night, you may see lots of lighted flying things. Those “orbs” could be flying bugs highlighted by the flash on your camera. My advice is to ask. “Are you a spirit?” Then wait and see if you receive some sort of response.
Several times orbs have appeared following the loss of a loved one. I captured a large orb on camera in 2011. It was floating next to my mom on Christmas night. To this day, I believe the orb represented my dad, who died in February 2011. Another time, there were multiple orbs gently floating through the backyard. This was several months after my mother-in-law passed away. I believe those orbs represented joy as she was no longer in pain.
Orbs come in different sizes, shapes and colors. They can appear in nature, in your house, in your backyard, around other people, or captured in photos. Orbs can represent guidance, comfort or protection or a warning, depending on the situation.
“Seeing orbs may be a sign that you are receiving spiritual messages or that you are in the presence of a spiritual being,” according to TheFlowLiving.com.
Where Do Orbs Come From?
Some schools of thought believe orbs represent messengers from the spirit world, while others may believe the orbs represent those that have passed. Native Americans believe orbs represent our ancestors or nature spirits, while some Eastern philosophies believe the orbs signify enlightenment.
“Orbs exist in a different dimension and phase, shifting in and out of our frequency. Because orbs flicker in a different phase and frequency, you need to catch them when they align with your frequency, which isn’t easy.” – Body and Soul Ascension Mastery
Orb Colors and Meanings
Angels may send orbs in a color other than white. Each color may have a different meaning. Blue represents strength and power, yellow is wisdom, white is purity, pink is love, green represents healing and prosperity, purple is transformation and red is wise service. Other colors such as brown or gray or black may serve as a warning to be on the lookout for change.
Consciousness and Orbs
The number of orbs around you can increase as you become more enlightened. Renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer noticed an increase in orbs around him as his connection with God consciousness increased, he said. The orbs became particularly pronounced when he was working with individuals who needed help. He suggested that you “open up yourself to the possibilities and realize there’s nothing out there that’s impossible.”
Making the Connection
So how do we tell the difference between a speck of dust and an angelic orb? Light reflections are pure light, while spirit orbs have something else going on. With orbs, shapes are geometric. There may be rings inside the orb, the colors may differ, or you may find you are able to make a connection.
Experts recommend using older digital cameras or film-based cameras to capture orbs on camera. Try taking your photos at night rather than during the day, so you have a better chance of seeing the orbs.
Sometimes orbs will show up when we think about someone dear to us who has passed away. Power of Positivity suggests looking for the following to determine if an angel or a loved one is trying to reach out to you:
- A light orb may indicate a nearby presence
- You sense a presence in the room, or feel something brushing against you
- You have dreams of angels
- A butterfly may fly near you (in warmer months)
- You notice a comforting smell
- You may hear a song that draws your attention
- Repeating numbers
- You find a white feather out of the blue
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