Pets are sometimes perceived as simple creatures with basic needs. What I have come to realize is that animals can have more complex thought patterns and are capable of communicating at another level, if we are just willing to listen.
We care about our pets, certainly, and want what’s best for them, but we don’t always understand what their needs are. Sometimes it helps to understand a pet’s history. Did they face early trauma – were they abused or dumped? When we lash out in anger does it bring those old, buried traumas to the forefront? Do our pets act out and do bad things based on old fears? Do they act out because you no longer give them attention? Do they respond positively to someone you’ve just met because they are reminded of someone who was kind?
Animals respond to our energy and emotions and perceive in ways we don’t always understand, such as the way they may respond to changes in the weather or the threat posed by a stranger.
I believe in practicing mindfulness when spending quality time with my pets. The term Right Mindfulness is based on the teachings of the eight-fold path of Buddhism, and can be defined as being aware of (in) the present moment while being connected in body-mind-spirit. Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh believes mindfulness comes when we do not assign thoughts to a situation. Likewise, Eckhart Tolle, who defines mindfulness as the Power of Now, teaches us to walk in silence. Mindful meditation has created a heightened awareness which is useful when communicating with pets.
Mindfulness can be practiced by doing simple things such as taking a walk or washing the dishes or drinking a cup of coffee. The main objective is NOT to think. Rather, just remain firmly in the present and enjoy the moment for what it brings.
“Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly,” – Thich Nhat Hanh
As a healing channel, the practice of mindfulness is helpful to me with animals because I am less distracted by my own thoughts. I have had experiences where my pets and even other people’s pets come up to me and ask for help with a physical ailment or past
trauma. Sometimes I am able to help and sometimes not. In one situation, I was able to help the dog’s “parents” understand what the dog dealt with in the past. I was able to give them sound advice on ways to reassure the pet and socialize it. Other times the pet may ask for help with a physical ailment such as aching joints. Giving your pet a massage is terrific and helps connect the two of you on a deeper level.
My first experience with a clairvoyant pet happened when I was six. My schnauzer and I were at the playground when a man with malevolent intentions came up to me and said a friend said it was alright to walk through the woods with him. Before I knew it, my dog started growling and looked into my eyes. I clearly heard the word, “run,” which I did. My dog started barking and snapping at the man, which caused the man to back up a little bit, and my dog ran home after me. It was at that moment that I realized that animals can communicate on the psychic level.
Take the time to practice mindfulness in daily life. It’s amazing how this one simple action can open up the lines of communication for you and your pets.