Roses remind me of my mom. She enjoyed growing beautiful red roses wherever we lived.
To my surprise, I found a bouquet of red roses on my doorstep the day my mother died. My neighbor had placed the bouquet there as a way of thanking us for helping him clear large tree limbs that had fallen in his yard during a storm.
My neighbor did not know my mom had passed away earlier that day. Nor did he know what the simple gesture meant to me in that moment. Regardless of the intention, I saw it as a positive sign from the universe that mom was at peace.
After mom’s funeral service, I stepped outside the church and watched as a large yellow butterfly fluttered directly overhead. Ever since that day, I see butterflies everywhere I go. To me, it is another sign from my mother that she is happy, as butterflies represent joy.
Looking for a Sign After Someone Dies
How many times have you asked a loved one to ‘show me a sign,’ after he or she has passed away? I’ve lost a few people in my life, so I am always on the lookout for signs that someone is nearby. Known as After Death Communications (ADCs), these signs occur when the deceased are trying to make contact.
“Signs come in all shapes, sizes, and manners. You can see a penny, hear a favorite song on the radio, see a feather, have a dream about them, see their photo fall off the mantle, have a clock stop. You can see them in a crowd, you can see them in a room at night. You may smell their perfume, or hear their voice.” – Erin Pavlina
According to the website The Search for Life After Death, there are 12 types of ADCs:
- Sensing a presence
- Hearing a voice
- Feeling a touch or a hug, or even a kiss on the cheek
- Smelling a fragrance
- Experiencing a clear mental vision of the person
- Seeing the person just as you are falling asleep or as you are waking up (hypnogogic)
- Vivid appearance of the individual in a dream (somnolent)
- Seeing the person in an out-of-body experience (astral projection)
- Receiving a phone call, text message or email (this happened with a friend of mine)
- Recognizing a symbol that reminds you of them – such as a song, flowers, butterflies, or a license plate
- Lights flickering on an off, music playing or items moving
- Seeing a partial appearance of someone
Popular signs we generally look for from deceased loved ones can include feathers, dragonflies, birds, butterflies, belongings in odd places, coins, and dreams, according to
“When a loved one dies, the love does not die with them. Signs can be a healthy way of keeping that love alive for the bereaved.” – Becky Stuempfig
Grief Can Increase Psychic Awareness
Therapists agree that looking for signs after someone you care about passes away is a normal part of the grieving process.
Often after someone dies, we become transformed as individuals, and our perspective on life changes. We become more open to new possibilities, including connecting with the deceased person in new ways. Psychology Today describes the experience of a lady named LeeAnn, whose friend Bruno was murdered while working as a bouncer.
“All of a sudden, the room filled with this golden light. There was a sense of peace that was overwhelming…Then I saw Bruno in his human form. My eyes were closed, but he was standing there, surrounded by blue colors and light. He said to me, ‘You keep asking for me to come back. Don’t ask that — this is where I’m supposed to be.’”
Stories Abound of the Deceased Connecting with Us
At one point or another most of us have experienced something extraordinary that can’t be explained in a normal way. Maybe it is a mist that crosses your path, or flickering lights when there is no storm, or a familiar song may play on the radio as someone mentions the name of a loved one who is gone.
A woman walked into her house and heard her childhood teddy bear sing a song. She ran over to the chest where she kept it and pulled it out. She flipped the bear over and checked. There were no batteries installed. Then she realized that her grandmother, who had given her the bear as a gift, had died eight years before on that very day.
Two years after their dad died, two sisters received calls. One was from their dad’s old residence, and another was from the location where he passed away. When they contacted each location, no one there had placed the calls.
A lady bought her grandmother’s house after she passed away. As she was updating the rooms, she would find bobby pins in odd places. She and her sister knew the bobby pins were from her grandmother, who was always immaculate and well-dressed.
Then there is the story of a great-grandmother’s pitcher. She had left it for a lady’s mom, who reminisced that her great-grandmother would pour orange juice or tea from the pitcher when she would visit. The lady placed the pitcher in the giveaway pile, but it kept ending up in one of the “keep” boxes. No one in the group moved it, however, so she said, “You seem to really want me to keep this. I’ll keep it.”
For more tales click this link.
Make the Connection
Interested in making a connection with someone who has died but don’t know where to start? It may be easier than you think.
For example, just before you go to sleep for the night, ask the person to visit you in your dreams. Or, if you are sitting around the house, consider asking the individual to knock over something small to let you know they are around.
Candles are a great way to make a connection.
Place something of theirs next to the candle such as a photograph, jewelry, a watch, handwritten notes, or cards. Think loving thoughts, then light the candle in a room that has no air current. Ask the loved one to make the flame flutter or sputter in your presence.
Above all, be open and patient. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again. Good luck!
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