When you look up at the stars at night do you think about the possibility of people or beings living on other planets? Do you believe in UFOs? According to a 2021 Gallup poll, 4 in 10 Americans think some crafts that people have spotted are alien aircraft.
It seems even the U.S. government is taking the subject of UFOs more seriously these days.
In July 2022, the United States Department of Defense expanded the Airborne Object Identification Group to become the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The AARO identifies and detects airborne anomalies in or around military installations. The new office will investigate potential Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).
Since its formation in 2022, the AARO has received more than 350 reports, of which 171 require further study. According to NPR, Ronald Moultrie, undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security said no, they have not seen evidence of aliens since the launch.
“We have not seen anything that would … lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin, if you will.” – Ronald Moultrie
UFO Sightings Throughout History
In 1993, Larry Hatch, UFO Database Creator (*U*), collected, researched and mapped 18,552 UFO sighting entries. In his study of UFOs, Larry said there were three general categories of UFO shapes: disks/spheres; cigars/cylinders; and flying triangles/diamonds/rectangles. Disks outnumbered cylinders over time.
Larry was a computer programmer by trade and a humble man. His intention was to create a free database of UFO information accessible to everyone.
Stories Abound of Sightings Around the Country
One great place to check out stories on UFOs is Wikipedia.org, which has a list of sightings beginning in c. 1440 BC to 2023. One surprising listing is from Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who reported a UFO sighting in Leary, Georgia in 1969.
The Paranormal Highway
The 37th Parallel North between Santa Cruz – across the U.S. – to the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia is known as the Paranormal Highway or UFO Highway. It has many landmarks including Nevada’s Area 51, the Grand Canyon, Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave National Park, and more. UFO have sightings have been spotted here since the 19th century. Oddly, 10,000+ animal mutilations have been reported there too. People have speculated aliens slaughtered the animals. However, Canadian veterinary pathologist Nick Nation believes scavenger animals, especially coyotes, are the real cause of the death of so many animals.
“Coyotes and mice are not as exciting. If you can mix perversion and cults and the unknown, you can have a wonderful mix of a story there that people can let their imaginations run wild on. I’m not saying I have all the answers, but it’s sure more reasonable than Martians and ray guns.” – Nick Nation
Georgia is a Hotbed for UFO Activity
There have been more than 1,937 reports of mysterious sightings in Georgia, according to Atlanta News First. In January 2022, a member of a flight crew filmed a v-shaped UFO phenomenon over Georgia at 40,000 feet. The pilot posted the video online but chose to remain anonymous. Former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves launched the non-profit Americans for Safe Aerospace this week to provide pilots with a safe way to report anomalies, per NBC News.
Elsewhere in Georgia, a Ballground, Georgia, family has a seven-minute video on YouTube of an unknown craft hovering above their home in September 2021.
Georgia ranks 47th overall in UFO sightings, according to ClickOrlando.com.
UFO Experiences
My UFO experience happened in the 1990s while traveling between Kissimmee and Tampa, Florida. I was the passenger in a car when weird lights appeared and flew in tight formation – moving up and down, left to right, and swapping sides above and around the cars on the road – for about 45 minutes.
No plane could maneuver like that. There was no doubt these were UFOs.
While I was unable to capture the event on my camera, I did take notes, which were placed in the glovebox for safekeeping. When I arrived home the notes were gone!
UFOs Up Close and Personal
Rosemary Kimble, an Atlanta-area Animal Communicator and Death Doula (visionsandreflections.com) has coordinated UFO watch events.
“I’ve been seeing them in the sky since my 20s,” Rosemary said. “I know they are not a star because of the way they behave. A UFO doesn’t go in a straight pattern. Some of them move across the sky slowly and then turn and go in a different direction.”
She has had remarkable UFO experiences during Native American vision quests, she said.
“I was on a vision quest in the prairies of South Dakota. I had asked to communicate with the Star Nations. As I am looking up in the sky, I see a shooting star, then I see 26 more in the exact same spot within a minute’s time,” Rosemary said.
She believes we are seeing more UFOs now because more people believe they are possible. “What I read is they are waiting for us to be ready, so they can show themselves.”
Rosemary has had at least one instance of contact with an alien, she believes.
“About 10 years ago, I was sleeping and felt a presence – a green mass of energy by my bed,” she said. “It was so close I could have touched it. To be safe, I asked it to go away and leave me alone.”
Rosemary participates in CE-5, which is a UFO watch group. If you are interested in finding out more about UFO watch events, please visit etletstalk.com, or look for a local CE-5 group on Facebook.
If You See a UFO File a Report
The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), was formed in 1974 by UFO Investigator Robert J. Gribble as a place for people to report UFO sightings anonymously. Since its beginning, NUFORC has processed over 170,000 reports. Currently, NUFORC accepts UFO reports via an online form: https://nuforc.org/reportform/.
More details of UFO sightings by state can be found under the web reports tab.
NASA Needs Your Help
It’s important to document UFO events as we experience them. While individual images from smart phones are not necessarily helpful due to the low resolution on our phones, NASA says “unclassified crowd-sourced data” can be helpful in pinpointing anomalies. Additionally, the AARO is in contact with other countries to share information on a worldwide basis while determining better ways to categorize and identify sightings.
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