Have you ever been referred to as a Lightworker? Have you ever wondered if you are a Lightworker? Lightworkers are not just those that practice the healing arts. They are people that are learning to move through the realms of higher consciousness in a variety of ways while using the information they receive to help themselves and others.
How Many Different Types of Lightworkers Exist?
Asphantasiaexperiments.com identifies 12 types of lightworkers. You may be one type of Lightworker or a combination of several types. Which do you align with most?
Grid Workers connect to earth’s lei lines. They are “earth’s architects,” and feel connected to landscapes. If you identify as a Grid Worker and want to improve your capabilities consider spending time in nature while working on grounding meditations.
Astral Travelers are able to explore other dimensions through astral projection. They navigate between worlds. Lucid dreaming helps them make connections too. Mindful meditation and journaling can help make this capability stronger.
Transmuters are considered energy alchemists. They can change energy by neutralizing negative energy and bringing peace into a situation. Learning to balance your energy brings this gift into focus.
Messengers are those who dispense wisdom through their connections to the spirit realm. The best way to enhance this gift is to trust your own wisdom.
Lightkeepers hold light energy and offer a positive outlook of hope for others. I call these folks the “earth mothers,” as I see them as wise and caring, with the ability to provide comfort wherever it is needed. This gift can be improved by focusing on positive energy and love.
Manifestors have the gift of manifesting what they want in this reality. These are the visionaries and creators. By setting your intentions and practicing visualization you can truly enhance this ability.
Way Showers lead by example. They are the path finders and discoverers. Exploring new ideas is the first step in becoming a Way Showers Lightworker.
Unifiers are those folks who harmonize different energies and find connections among diverse groups of people. They resolve conflicts and unify different cultures. Activities that involve teamwork are a great way to improve your skills as a Unifier.
Seers are those that have the gift of insight and intuition. They see the deeper truth and experience clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and inner knowing. To improve your gift as a Seer Lightworker, meditate and learn to trust your intuition.
Divine Blueprint Holders – these are the visionaries – the ones who see the cosmic plans and understand “what humanity can become.” If you are interested in enhancing this gift, consider studying sacred geometry and ancient wisdom.
Ascension Guides are teachers and mentors that help us ascend along a spiritual path. Buddha is considered an Ascended Master. Incorporating spiritual practices in your life can help you become an Ascension Guide Lightworker.
Healers help us achieve balance and wholeness by restoring the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional parts of our being. This can be done through sound healing, holistic medicine, energy healing and other practices. Learn how to become a Healer Lightworker by studying healing practices and connecting with your own intuition regarding your health.
Lightworkers Transform Through Practice
Becoming a Lightworker begins by incorporating new techniques in daily life. These techniques will help transform you to a higher vibrational level. Steps include:
- Meditation
- Journaling (gratitude, stream of consciousness journaling, etc.)
- Affirmations (reprogramming negative thoughts, developing a vision board)
- Balancing Energies
- Grounding yourself in nature
- Visualization
- Breathwork (including box breathing, deep belly breathing and other breathwork patterns)
- Mindful Eating (notice and enjoy the sensations of what you are eating by *Being Present*)
- Therapy (releasing trauma, group therapy, etc.)
- Community Engagement (building teams, going on retreats, volunteering)
Improving Lightworker Skills Through Ascension
As you improve your transformation skills through various practices, you begin to understand there is energy beyond what we can taste, feel, smell, hear, or see. It is the 5th Dimension, which is beyond our physical perception. Scientists describe it as the point where electromagnetism and gravity meet.
WakeUp-World.com defines the 5th Dimension as ascension of the soul versus the body. The first dimension is the physical body, the second is emotional, the third is mental, and the fourth is karmic.
“What happens is that as we purify the lower density vehicles from toxification, through spiritual work, then the soul integrates and can flow more freely. The natural cycle of kundalini activates, forms a reconnection with the source and the soul then begins to shift into the higher dimensions – the higher densities.” – WakeUp-World.com
Signs You Are Ascending to the 5th Dimension
Humanity is moving into the 5th Dimension as a whole – some of us sooner rather than later.
It is my belief there are those that will ascend and those that will leave this earthly plane and those that will remain firmly earthbound. If you’ve practiced some of the techniques needed to ascend to the 5th Dimension, you may wonder if you have reached the higher realm. Lightworker, author and public speaker, Sylvia Salow suggests there are multiple signs that indicate you are on the right path.
Restructuring of the body – You may notice you need to clear out stress or remove people or situations that no longer serve you. You may see your old patterns clearly and choose to shed them.
Vibration – You may prefer to stay in environments that are energetically lighter. You may realize how important it is to protect your own energy (not allowing it to be drained by energy vampires, for example).
Relationships – You will want to seek out more “soul-based connections.” You will recognize these connections as they will be based on honesty.
Inner Truth – You begin to become more aware of what your heart needs to do.
Inner Peace – Old emotional wounds heal and your moods become more stable.
Mutual Help – You come to the realization that everyone has free will, and you can’t save them all.
“The only help that works is the one where the energy is exchanged equally. If the other person resists your energy (your help), it doesn’t serve them. And it only drains you.” – Sylvia Salow
Trusting Others – By connecting more with your higher self you realize that people choose their own soul path. Send them love and hold a space for them.
Your Own Energy – Lots of energy cleansing begins to take place. Clearing out your energy helps you step into a higher state.
Stop Being Sweet – Embrace your true self – all of you.
Shine with Ease – You will want to carry others with you as you “embody more of your soul’s energy.”
Observer – Being an observer in your own life means you can be objective.
Adjusting Yourself – You learn to self-adjust when you are out of balance.
Strengthen Your Energy Body – “You become more mindful of the energy you allow in your environment.”
Integration and Embodiment – You begin to clear out the old stifling energy and yearn to walk the talk.
Student of Life – You will be guided to listen to your inner voice.
Multidimensional Self – You learn to become more conscious.
Inner Power – When you step into your power it is not ego, it is true alignment with the higher self, which you will feel more connected to.
Higher Consciousness – Your mind becomes clearer as you are not driven by ego. You will feel lighter!
Acceptance – You become more rooted in the present and accept your past and your circumstances.
Meditation is the Key to Enlightenment
Meditation opens you up a world of possibility and allows you to see beyond the physical world around us. After all, we are connected to all things!
It’s easy to make excuses. I know, because I’ve used them. “I don’t have time…. I can’t stop thinking about things….There is too much noise around me…. It makes me uncomfortable… I feel ridiculous!” As a longtime meditation practitioner, I can honestly say it took me awhile too. What is great about meditation is if at first you don’t succeed then try again, or find a meditation online or in a group that works for you.
Let’s Connect!
If you would like to gain clarity in your spiritual path, connect on PsychicLifeAdvice.com via the contact page.