By maintaining a state of heightened awareness, you can grow psychically and as a person.
As I start each day, I ground and protect myself. Then, as I step outside, I pause and look around me – at the trees – at the birds – at the sky – at the people – and at the activities that are happening in the moment.
Setting the tone this way helps me feel centered and tuned into life.
Not only do I believe that focused attention makes for a better psychic connection, I believe it puts you in the best position to help yourself and others when and where you can.
A Neighbor in Need
Case in point: Last week, I noticed a police car parked at the end of my street. The officer was talking to someone I recognized. It was a lady I had seen walking her dog through the neighborhood.
I walked over to see if I could help.
As it turns out the lady was exhibiting signs of dementia and had forgotten where she lived. I told the officer I knew who she was and would he follow me in the police car as I walked her home? I tuned in to see what would be most comforting to her then took her arm as if I was an old friend and guided her to her house. I walked slowly and nodded my head in agreement as she chattered at me in nonsensical words and phrases.
I knew if I could get her to her front door – and to her pet dog – her short-term memory might improve. I stayed with her as more police officers and a couple of Emergency Medical Technicians gathered to wait for her husband to get home.
While we waited, she would sing a Patsy Cline song to the assembled group. I watched as she sang a few lines then become visibly upset when she forgot the next line in the song, so I sang it for her, and she would say “of course,” then pick up where I left off.
Singing something familiar seemed to keep her calm.
When her husband arrived, he told the officers she had not taken her medication so she was confused. He seemed sad and embarrassed by the attention and assured the police officers he would take her keys away and keep an eye on her.
Later that day, I discussed the event with a neighbor who had apparently been watching the situation unfold. As we stood talking in the street, a coopers hawk flew low between us. I smiled and said to the hawk, “Why hello!” The neighbor laughed in surprise.
“Hawk symbolism often represents the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences if you choose to become more observant.” –
I knew the hawk was confirmation from the universe that being extra aware enabled me to provide the help that was needed that day.
Be Caring but Don’t Own the Problem
For those that have psychic or empathic abilities, it’s easy to “feel into” situations at a much deeper level, so it’s only natural that you feel the need to care. However, it’s important when you respond to these situations that you take the extra step of putting the white light of protection around yourself, so you don’t carry the problem on your shoulders.
Realize that in many situations, there is a lot more going on than the problem at hand. And, while it’s good to help others, know that all of life’s problems are not yours to solve. In fact, it’s perfectly OK to step away if you are not comfortable responding or if you have done what you can do. Lindsay Carricarte suggests empaths should stick to their boundaries, ditch the guilt, and perform a self-cleanse if emotions become too much to bear.
“White sage cleanses our energetic body, and when we are free from the clouds of rampant emotions flying all over the place, we can see what’s ours.” – Lindsay Carricarte
An Extra Helping of Awareness Can Keep You Out of Danger
Now that the lockdown from the pandemic is beginning to lift, people are releasing pent-up energy in surprising ways: both good and bad. As we resume normal activities, being situationally aware increases your chances of enjoying life rather than placing yourself at risk.
After all, you don’t have to be psychic to be aware, you just need to listen to your gut and trust your instincts to tell you when trouble is afoot.
As a former investigative news reporter, I found myself in dangerous situations at times and relied on my awareness to keep me out of danger.
One day as I was driving down a two-lane road, I came across someone who I had written a story about previously. He slowed his vehicle and stared at me. My immediate thought was, “Yikes! He’s armed, I’m not, and I’m in the middle of nowhere.” Frankly, the man was bad news. At that moment I looked for a fast escape route. I saw a gravel hill to my left, threw my vehicle into four-wheel-drive mode and climbed my way to safety.
Thank goodness all situations are not that dangerous. However, it’s a good practice to remain aware when going about your tasks these days. That’s especially true now that restless energy and stress are running high as restrictions ease from the COVID pandemic. Experts say the world will not be the same as it once was pre-pandemic, so be patient with yourself and others.
“Practice mindfulness. As you navigate a more open, social world, continue to take time for yourself. You can do this through methods such as mediation or composing a gratitude list about things in your life. As you take back more control of your life, be mindful of who and what you give your energy.” –
Awareness and a Resting State
While it’s important to be aware of your surroundings, it’s just as important to provide a safe space for yourself so you can relax also. After all, it’s not healthy to be “on” or energized all of the time. For more on the subject of developing awareness, please visit: Psychic Abilities: How to Recognize Them and Develop Them Further.