It’s inevitable to feel the need to control the outcome of a situation. Whether you want to generate something specific through prayer, being prepared, saying the right things, willing a happy outcome (The Secret), or putting yourself in the right mindset or location for the outcome to come to you, all of us, at one point or another, have tried to create an outcome we want.
What if you’ve done everything you can do but your wish has not come true? Consider this: the universe may have a different plan for you.
This is true in the world of psychics too. In my own experience, I had a really cool job in an exciting field that I loved. One day, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. As much as I loved what I was doing, I knew it was time to get out fast – the feeling was just too strong to ignore.
Two weeks after I left, the head of the company laid off 60 people and put the company up for sale.
My new job was in a different field. And while it was not as interesting as the old job, I learned a lot! Looking back now, I realize change had to happen so new opportunities could occur. Little did I know at the time, but the universe was lining things up for me to meet someone who would change my life.
Life’s Interruptions Are All Part of the Plan
Interruptions or obstacles may be there to force us to slow down or cause us to re-evaluate and move in a new direction (course correction). Obstacles may also be placed in our path to make us realize there is more to life than an expected outcome.
“The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life – the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one’s ‘real life’ is a phantom of one’s own imagination!” – C.S. Lewis
Are Affirmations Just Wishful Thinking?
When we focus on the outcome, but don’t believe it’s possible, then it’s likely that the outcome is just wishful thinking. Instead, consider focusing on a positive result that you can believe. The website,, refers to this practice as “designing future memories.” In order to create positive outcomes, we may need to take a deep dive into our own belief systems so we can remove self-limiting beliefs, which can open us up to new possibilities.
Heads Up: It’s Time to Make a Shift
Everyone has a life purpose. Determining your own purpose and staying true to it can be challenging. After all, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. However, focusing on the struggles rather than the triumphs creates a negative, self-perpetuating situation. Try looking beyond the struggle by focusing on gratitude; this practice shifts your focus to the present moment, where new opportunities can be created.
You may be on the wrong path if the following is true, says Jack Canfield:
- You’ve lost interest in the thing you once loved.
- You thirst for a change.
- You’re stressed out.
- You’re annoyed and irritated.
- You have unexplained chronic pain.
- You don’t feel joy in what you are doing.
Checking In: Ask Yourself How You Feel
If it’s too hard to see for yourself that you are on the right path, check in with a life coach or a psychic. Life coaches can provide exercises to help you understand your skills and gifts. Psychics can peel away the layers to help you see where you are going.
I do a check-in periodically just before I go to sleep at night. I might place a note nearby with the question I need to have an answer to, or I may ask for a sign, which usually comes in the form of a dream.
I do this exercise to make certain my gifts are being put to their best use. Recently, I received a powerful affirmation that I need to continue providing psychic services to people. I dreamed I was in an unfamiliar building and was approached by more than one person for guidance. I cleared a space on the floor, laid down a mat and conducted readings right then and there. Afterwards, I received smiles, thanks, and a gift, then I woke up.
“Joy is the number one piece of feedback that tells you when you’re on the right path. And if you follow your joy, it will guide you in the direction of your dreams. Because nothing will bring you more happiness and fulfillment than fully living your true purpose.” – Jack Canfield, Author: Chicken Soup for the Soul
Placing your focus on love instead of anger or fear fosters inner peace, which has the potential to lead to a better outcome, according to A Course in Miracles.
“It’s not up to you what you learn, but only whether you learn through joy or through pain.” – A Course in Miracles
Focus on the Process Not the Outcome
It’s important to be open to new possibilities outside of your expectations as well. Being open to the unexpected may bring you something even better.
We don’t control the outcome only ourselves. By shifting our attitude and our actions, we can achieve so much more, says Anthony Moore. “Extraordinary people focus on the process. This is how they achieve such enormous goals.”