This is a question many of us ponder at one point or another in our lives. There are many who believe that we enter into a sacred agreement/soul agreement with the Universe to accomplish specific goals on earth before we are born into this lifetime. One of the challenges we face is remembering what we…
Becoming a Healthier Version of You
Can anger or negative thoughts influence your health? Or do you believe that factors outside of you (stress, environmental issues) or inside of you (within your genetic code) cause illness to occur? The answer may be a little of both. DNA within individual cells can mutate due to internal and external factors, which leads to…
Appreciating the Present and Defining the Future
Sometimes we look back on our lives and can see the milestones, the turning points, where we made a decision that created the track we are now on. Ever look back at that moment and say, “What if? What if I had chosen that job, taken that trip, accepted that invitation?” Do you realize that…
Empathic Challenges for the Nurturing Soul
Are you a naturally giving person? Spiritually attuned? A nurturer? Do you have difficulty in crowds because you seem to be tuning into the feelings of others rather than your own? If so, you may be an empath. Empaths feel everything around them – including the moods of others. If empaths are around peace and love,…