It’s been a long winter this year, and some find it hard to break out of the winter blahs and into the glory of spring. Sometimes, a little color can help. Your body is an energy system. You can slow down your heart rate or speed it up, simply by getting centered, breathing deeply and…
Death is Nothing at All
A friend’s mother passed away today. She died shortly after being diagnosed with inoperable cancer at 2:22 p.m., a time of significance in the parlance of Angel Numbers. She had fulfilled her soul’s mission, and the angels called her home. Some believe that when we die we simply leave the body behind and become spirit…
Past Life Exploration: Have You Been Here Before?
Do you ever wonder if you have lived in the past or had a past life? There are many people on the planet today that have lived a past life, even past lives. However, few recall these experiences. How can you tell if you have been here before? Ask yourself if a situation or place…
It’s All In Your Head: Lessons Learned from the Seven Principles of Huna
Why does this <insert problem/situation> keep happening in my life? Sometimes the answer is simply: What you Think about You Bring About, or better yet, Where Attention Goes Energy Flows. Simply put: if you think about a situation hard enough, you give it a life of its own. In relationships, if we find ourselves with…