Recently, I had the opportunity to visit a friend’s cabin in North Georgia. Around her place is untouched hardwood forest and a preserve for woodpeckers. They are everywhere – tweeting and calling and knocking on wood. I was sitting on a ridge, trusting in the universe to keep me safe and sound as I allowed…
Dreams Become Reality
For those who hear the bugler’s call. Go forth and carry out your dream. The angels are with you. The universe will guide the way, putting the people and the circumstances in your path to make your dreams happen. Follow the call. All of us have dreams of success, love, prosperity and a better life….
Tis the Season for Magic to Happen
As the year draws to a close, I like to take the time to reflect upon the people I’ve met, the adventures I’ve participated in, and the new things I’ve learned. To me, life is a learning path and an adventure, rather than a chore to get through, a means to an end, or a…
Energy Fields are All Around Us – So What are They and How Do We See Them?
Overview In his 1975 book, Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World, Raymond Buckland describes auras as having three dimensions. There is the etheric double, a dark line that is grey in color that extends across the surface of the body. There is the inner aura, which is about two or three inches wide and is…