It’s inevitable to feel the need to control the outcome of a situation. Whether you want to generate something specific through prayer, being prepared, saying the right things, willing a happy outcome (The Secret), or putting yourself in the right mindset or location for the outcome to come to you, all of us, at one…
The Day the Past Blew in on a Ghostly Hymn
My friend Kelly* had extended a last-minute invite to my husband and I to take a vacation with her. She had rented a beautiful house in Florida on a quiet peninsula overlooking the bay on one side and the ocean on the other. We jumped at the opportunity! The days were spent idly watching sunrises…
Age Really is Just a Number When You Raise Your Vibration
Ever wondered why you feel bad physically when you are thinking negative thoughts? Did you know negative thoughts can make you age before your time too? It’s because you are in a state of contraction rather than expansion. I used to get mad when other drivers were rude in traffic. Today, I’ve learned to shift…
Listening to Your Heart and Your Intuition
By maintaining a state of heightened awareness, you can grow psychically and as a person. As I start each day, I ground and protect myself. Then, as I step outside, I pause and look around me – at the trees – at the birds – at the sky – at the people – and at…