Mercury goes into Retrograde four times a year. When Mercury is in Retrograde, problems with technology and communication can occur, causing us to make corrections, reflect and move more slowly. The current Retrograde, which ends May 14, has presented some challenges personally. While it would be easy to wallow in self-pity over the rocks blocking life’s path right now, I’ve decided to remain proactive, positive, and hopeful.
‘Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks, and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are we down all the time. Problems do end. They do go away. They are all resolved in time.’ – Robert Schuller, Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do
In keeping with the goal of maintaining a good outlook whenever possible, looking for signs of hope can keep the positive flow going. And guess what? The signs are all around us if we just take the time to see them.
A Cheerful Chirping Hello
For me, nature always offers hope. Birds and other animals can provide important information when they show up. Of particular interest this year was the arrival of a Scarlet Tanager which appeared twice: once for a client reading, and then as a message for me.
Native Americans believe the bird is a messenger of transformation and love. In China it’s believed the Scarlet Tanager represents abundance, joy and good luck. The bird may also be an indicator you are on the right path.
Song of the Hummingbird
Recently, I was sitting outside of a relative’s house thinking about what I could do to improve their health prognosis when a hummingbird flew down to eye level and began singing. Then it flew to a branch in front of me, paused, then began singing again.
It was clear there was a need to let go and trust the process. I was told the person’s health would improve and to stop worrying.
Hummingbirds resonate at a very high vibration, which makes them more connected to the spiritual realm. Their behaviors are influenced by the spiritual presence of angels, guides, or loved ones that have passed on. Spiritually, hummingbirds represent inspiration and hope, and can be a guiding light that can move you closer to fulfilling your dreams.
Save The Bees!
Reinforcement of the idea of divine intervention and hope came a few weeks later, when – out of nowhere – honey bees decided to build a hive inside the wall of the same relative’s house. Realizing just how important it is to “Save The Bees” I went right to work finding a bee keeper to relocate them. I also considered the message the bees needed to share.
“Cultivating a loving relationship with everything in your life, and genuinely practicing gratitude, is the best way we can heal ourselves and raise our vibration. Manifestation and miracles happen when we work in relationships to help others, beyond just ourselves. A bee in your house gives you this message.” – Crystal Clear Intuition
It was fascinating to watch the bees and see the hive as each was removed from the wall of the house. The Bee Man excitedly showed me the eggs, larvae, and young bees in a honeycomb, which had several types of pollen in it of varying colors. The Bee Man planned to relocate the young bees to his own bee hives along with more than 1,000 honeybees he collected.
Perhaps it is another divine gift and sign of hope as the “homegrown” honey offers lots of health benefits for adults (not infants) including help with allergies, brain health, wound healing and more.
In addition to the honeybees, a young opossum showed up and could be seen casually foraging in the backyard. Talk about divine intervention! The “possum is a sign of protection over you and your family,” according to Opossum also advises us to be patient, optimistic and trust in your intuition.
Save The Bees is Not Just a Catchy Phrase
The global honey bee population in the U.S. has declined by an average of 40 percent in the past decade. Use of pesticides (including mosquito sprays), parasites, lack of diverse foraging habitat and poor nutrition from plants that don’t provide pollen are all contributing factors in the elimination of these delightful pollinators. To see how you can help, please visit:
Keeping Hope Alive
Whenever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by life’s roadblocks, consider whether you are looking at life through a distorted lens. In other words, do you feel alienated and helpless? Powerless and oppressed? Consider reframing how you look at things in your life. What you think about you bring about – this can be true if you think in a negative or fearful manner or if you think about the things for which you are grateful. An attitude of gratitude (hope) – even for the small things in life – can go a long way in reducing the impact of challenges that come your way.
“Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.” – Steve Jobs
Do Your Research
If you receive negative information, particularly as it regards your health, there may still be an opportunity to turn things around. Get a second opinion and/or conduct research to understand your options. According to the National Library of Medicine, health literacy can make a difference for your overall health now and in the future. Health literacy is a way to expand your understanding by accessing, understanding, and applying health information so you can make better health decisions including finding ways to prevent disease and improve your health.
Above all, don’t give up hope! There are signs of hope everywhere if you are willing to look for them – whether its signals from the angels, animals, or the Internet. Or, consider gaining clarity through a psychic reading by reaching out through my contact page: