Out-of-body experiences, or OBEs as they are also called, are a more common practice than people may realize.
Oftentimes people are able to have an OBE while sleeping, as consciousness (the astral body) is not tied to the physical body. Likewise, mystics and meditation practitioners or people that may be experiencing trauma or Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) may find themselves floating outside of themselves. As a psychic, I find that I can “leave” the physical body momentarily (astral projection) to access information from a higher realm of consciousness.
“The tantrics (Hindus, Buddhists) mastered lucid OBE and dream states to overcome the fear of death by learning that we are not our “bodies.” They also discovered that the physical body can experience deep healing during OBEs — the mind can be tough on the body. And rather than losing time to practice meditation during sleep, yogis continued working through the night while the body rested.” – Gaia.com
Astral Projection is Easier When We Meditate
My late aunt understood astral projection very well and could leave her body spontaneously whenever she wanted to do so. She was able to master the practice through twice-daily meditation sessions. As a daily meditation practitioner, I’ve learned how to use astral projection in my work as a psychic as well as in life. Recently, I used astral projection to visit hospitals in Georgia and another state to check on people I care about.
What was interesting to me is that one of those people had green light around the edge of her body, while the others had white light around them. With the two people surrounded by white light, I could see several relatives who had passed away standing around the edges of the hospital bed. Additionally, there was a clear angel presence at the head of each individual.
The lady with green light around her body was healed in the hospital and went home. Sadly, the other two people passed away.
In retrospect, I now understand that the two people who were surrounded by white light were being loved and protected until it was time to transition to the next plane of existence. They seemed to be at peace before they passed.
When I visited in the astral body, I discovered an incredible feeling of love around them that was poignant and beautiful. I thought about one of these folks this morning and asked the universe, “Is she gone?” I heard the words, “I am flying. I am free.” I knew in that moment she no longer suffered and was happy. I received word later in the day she had passed peacefully during the night.
Astral projection is possible for all of us to use to our benefit. Additionally, there are many stories where people find themselves floating above operating tables during emergencies.
Visiting Heaven During Emergency Surgery
Physician Randy Kay noticed his calf was swelling. He didn’t think it was a problem until it grew to twice its size. He had emergency surgery when doctors discovered multiple blood clots in his leg.
In his book, “Dying to Meet Jesus,” Kay describes how his heart stopped for 30 minutes as doctors worked to save him. He found himself standing next to Jesus; he communicated with him telepathically as words were unnecessary. “Everything was clear and intuitive,” he said. He also felt the love around him and heard the words “trust me,” as he caught a glimpse of heaven.
Scott Drummond underwent what should have been a routine operation on his thumb after it was dislocated during a ski trip. He found himself floating above his body after a nurse mismanaged the application of a tourniquet. He saw her run out of the room screaming, “I killed him.” Scott died on the table for 20 minutes. He learned about heaven and realized that “people shouldn’t be fearful of death.” His view of heaven included fields of wildflowers and tall grasses, he said. “It was so peaceful.”
Both men described experiencing a life review where everything was presented – the good and the bad – with no judgement. “I knew I had to do better with my life,” Drummond said. “The doctor said there was a war going on inside of my body. The war was that I didn’t want to come back because it was so peaceful.”
An Angel Presence
Each of us has an angel and at times, there are many surrounding us along life’s path.
Angels can come to us in times of need or when we are rejoicing in song, such as singing in church or during a gathering.
The Archangel Sandalphon is known as the angel of music. He rules over music in heaven and helps people on Earth use music to communicate with God in prayer. – LearnReligions.Com
Musician Jason Upton was practicing a series of songs in a college auditorium when a thick fog rolled in, said Michael Tyrrell. “The holy fear came over me,” Tyrrell said.
Tyrrell jumped under the sound board and watched from a safe distance as Upton appeared to be overcome by the spirit while singing. Later, they listened to a tape of the session and realized a choir of angels had joined them that day.
A Personal Reminder That Angels Are Around Us
Since October, I have seen the same series of numbers over and over again: 444. Around the same time, I began experiencing ringing in my right ear.
The constant repeat of 444 is a sign from your angels that you are headed in the right direction, and they are here to help. It can also mean the following, per Willow.com.
- Angels are sending signs of encouragement.
- You are on a path of spiritual awakening.
- Create a strong spiritual foundation.
- Plan for the future.
- Strengthen relationships.
- Take care of the physical body.
As for ringing in the right ear, it could be caused by too many loud noises, or it could be a sign from the angels that they are trying to communicate with you:
“The spiritual meaning of ringing in the right ear is generally seen as needing inner clarification and often indicates increased intuition. Some say that a ringing in the right ear means you’re being communicated with by spirits.“
As we move about our busy lives, it’s important to remember to be grateful to the people that love us while recognizing there is a higher realm we can access to help us on our journey. It’s time to trust your intuition and look for signs – even repetitive numbers – that can illuminate your special path. Know that help from our guardian angels is there for the asking and trust the process.