There is energy in places. Objects, buildings and even land can hold emotional traces of visitors. In my experience, there have been a few geographical locations that have left a lasting impression.
The National Forest Serial Killer
On January 1, 2008, Meredith Emerson was hiking along the Appalachian Trail on Blood Mountain in North Georgia when she crossed paths with serial killer Gary Hilton. He killed her, then took her dog and dumped it at Kroger in Brookhaven, Georgia, because he “didn’t want to kill the dog.“
During this same period, I would hike around nearby Murphey Candler Lake and the woods behind it in Brookhaven as it was near my parent’s house. That’s when I came across a tent and scattered belongings in the woods. The scene made my hair stand on end, prompting me to call the police to investigate it. We hiked through the woods, but once there, officers dismissed my discovery, saying: “It’s just a homeless person. No need to be concerned.” It turns out that “homeless person” was Gary Hilton.
I will be forever grateful we did not cross paths.
Shortly after Gary Hilton was arrested, I visited the lake to pray and meditate and ask for healing of the lake and the park. I wanted that negative energy gone!
The Colosseum, Rome, Italy
The most impactful moment of my 2018 vacation in Italy in terms of lingering energy was when I took a tour of the Colosseum in Rome. This incredible structure is the largest Amphitheatre ever built. Constructed in 80 A.D., it could hold up to 80,000 spectators. There were gladiatorial contests, hunts, executions, and re-enactments there.
I touched the walls and was overwhelmed with feelings – sadness, fear, horror, pain, spirituality, excitement, resignation, pride – the colosseum was sacred and a living testament to its past. In 1749, Pope Benedict XIV, declared the Colosseum a sacred site, “declaring that it was sanctified by the blood of Christian martyrs that perished there.”
Ayo Rock Formations Oranjestad, Aruba
One of my most spiritual experiences had to be in 2002 at the Ayo Rock Formations in Aruba. I found a circular group of rocks with a rock overhang and sat down. I felt indentations in the smooth stones beneath my fingertips (carvings?) as I sat there. It was so peaceful, as if nothing else existed – I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and quietude. The guide said the ancient Arawak Indians believed the place was spiritual, and I would have to agree.
“Arawak people used to visit the Ayo Rock Formations so they could hear incoming thunderstorms approaching the island of Aruba. The indigenous people left their mark in a series of petroglyphs in between the rocks. The petroglyphs, or carved paintings, were part of a religious ceremony dating back thousands of years.”
Our Lady of Gethsemani, Bardstown, Kentucky
Years ago, I traveled with a seamstress friend to visit her former workplace, a monastery in Kentucky. Founded in 1848, the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani is a Catholic monastery operated by about 40 Trappist monks. The monastery sits on 2,000 acres of working farmland. And while the monks were silent during my visit, they smiled a lot and seemed genuinely happy. Between the early chapel service and walks around the grounds, I was enveloped in a sense of peace and love that was incredible. Gethsemani emanated positive energy throughout my stay.
Why is Energy Stored in Places?
There are three main theories as to why some places elicit more of a feeling than others, according to Stav Dimitropoulos, in The Science of Bad Vibes: Can some Places Really Hold Onto Negative Energy?”
People through sweat, or emotions or tears, leave behind emotional residue – past emotions are left behind as a type of energy signature. There is the “geopathic stress” from the earth itself, and there are our own mind’s expectations, she says.
Emotions can have either a positive or negative effect on an environment. This biochemical residue can be sensed in both the human and animal kingdom (such as “animals smell fear”). That’s why it’s important to let the air circulate after an argument. You could even consider dispelling the gloom by ringing a bell or burning sage to “clear the air.”
Geopathic stress simply means that the earth’s energy vibration is distorted in some way, such as through a geological fault line, utility lines, pipes, or underground water. If you hang around long enough in these areas you may start to feel fatigue, stress, and other ailments.
The power of expectation works like this: if you expect to feel a certain way when you come across a feature you will. For example, if you had a bad experience in an apartment, then you might expect to have a bad experience or bad mood every time you step into someone else’s apartment.
Finding Tranquility Where You Are
If you live in a noisy urban environment, it may be difficult to find peace where you are. However even noisy environments aren’t noisy all the time. It may mean you will need to wait until the middle of the night or early in the morning to find special moments of “peace and tranquility,” but they are there.
Years ago, an ice storm shut down Atlanta. There were no trains, planes, automobiles, or power equipment operating. The world was silent and still except for the faint sound of ice crackling in the tree branches. My little dog Loco sat on the ice with me, and we enjoyed 15 minutes of silence together in the freezing cold as we looked at the snow and ice, then hustled back inside to enjoy the warm house.
Clearing Your Space of Negative Energy
Kris Ferraro of mbgmindfulness writes that getting into a habit of clearing out negative, chaotic energy helps you feel better. She says if you are having a bad day; you have just recovered from illness; you have experienced a loss; you’ve argued with your partner; you’ve had a life transition; or you are feeling stuck; it’s best to act and clear out the energy that has been left behind.
Here are ten ways to do just that:
- Set a new intention for your house
- Burn some dried herbs
- Use crystals to clear the air
- Make noise as you walk through the space (drums, gongs, bells, clapping hands)
- Burn incense
- Cleanse your house with salt
- Make the house smell like fresh lemons
- Add a plant or two such as lavender or sage
- Imagine glowing golden light inside your heart
- Clear out the clutter
The final days of summer are an excellent time to get a fresh start. I hope you try some of these methods in your home to feel better today. If you are looking to clear your mind and regain your focus, consider gaining new insights into your future by contacting me for a psychic reading today. Visit: