As the year draws to a close, I like to take the time to reflect upon the people I’ve met, the adventures I’ve participated in, and the new things I’ve learned. To me, life is a learning path and an adventure, rather than a chore to get through, a means to an end, or a future state of happiness to hope for. If you have ever had a death-defying experience, you know as I do that you learn to appreciate all things because you are grateful just to be alive.
I’ve come to appreciate the unique abilities I was graced with as well as the abundance in life, no matter its source (even if it’s the absolute love of the “fur babies”/pets in my life). So when an event happens –whether it’s “good” or “bad,” I ask myself: “Is this a teaching moment? Am I the teacher or the student? What is the message the universe is trying to deliver?” I ask the question then I shut up and listen. Sometimes I am answered with words, sometimes images, and sometimes nothing at all, because I need to wait for the answer to reach me. I make a strong effort to find the positive in all things, even the “teaching moments.” If I focus on the negative aspects of a situation, then I get what I am asking for – more “bad” situations. Simply put, negative thoughts and emotions can take a heavy toll. To illustrate, look at Masaru Emoto’s work on water crystals. He shows how negative thought and negative words change the very structure of water crystals. Consider the changes negative thought can have on your life.
What about prayer? Does it have a similar impact? That depends on the individual, but for myself, I would say yes. When someone prays for me, I can feel it – much like air being released from a balloon, I feel a calm wave of energy roll over me. In instances where people are praying for a common purpose simultaneously, I have felt the cumulative energy of the room shift to a higher level.
What about healing channels? Can they help with a physical ailment? On an individual level, I believe the “healer” and the “healee” should be in agreement about the impact of prayer/healing on the body/mind/soul. I say this from the healer’s perspective. As a healing channel, I have helped people become mobile again, regain visual clarity or remove years of bothersome pain. Other times, illness and injury are a response to a psychological condition where the person is “stuck” in an emotion or experience that they cannot release; this can manifest itself on the physical level. That’s why keeping a check on runaway negative thoughts is important, because it can manifest itself in illness.
If the individual has an inner belief that healing energy will not work for their situation, it likely won’t. Even if the individual does not say what they believe, I know on the physical level. If someone has asked for healing but doesn’t believe in it, I can feel the energy bounce back into my hands with a sharp pang – as if the individual is made of Teflon; at that point, I realize I am wasting my time and their time and discontinue the effort. So what does healing work look like in real-time? Check out this brief video for an answer:
What’s interesting about the video is that both parties believe in the power of prayer and the power of healing… and in that instant Magic Happens.