Ever wonder what you were meant to do with your life? Or perhaps you’ve considered pursuing a new career but don’t know where to start? Does it feel like you and your partner are not communicating on the same level? You may find answers to these questions through numerology. Numerology Has a Long…
Animal Reincarnation and Your Pet
Clients often ask if they did enough to help prolong their pet’s life, and does the pet realize how much it is loved and missed?
The Intuitive Instincts of Pets and Wild Animals
Stories abound where animals – wild and domestic – know when humans need help and respond accordingly. Of course, it goes both ways: we help each other.
Saying Goodbye the Art of Letting Go
“Why have a funeral when you can have a parade?” Those words were said with laughter from an Irishman who died of COVID on St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago during the height of the pandemic. If you’ve ever been to Chicago, you know what a big deal St. Patrick’s Day can be. Officials in…