Halloween wasn’t always a time to give out treats to youngsters in cute costumes. Originally Halloween was known as Samhain, pronounced Sow-wen, and represented the end of summer on the Celtic calendar. Samhain also marked the transition between seasons as well as a “doorway between life and the season of death.” This doorway was interpreted…
Fire in the Sky!
On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 11 p.m. (Yes, it was Friday the 13th!), there was a severe storm in my area of Atlanta. I heard buzzing in my house and wondered, “What is THAT noise?” I stepped out onto my front porch to take a look. I saw dark, heavy clouds appear overhead, listened…
Ghosts in the Antique Store
Two weeks ago, a friend invited me to visit her in North Georgia. She wanted me to take a tour of the store where she and other vendors sell handmade crafts and antiques. The two-story, brick and wood-frame store was constructed more than 100 years ago along the town square. Over time, a couple of…
What To Do When Life Throws a Curve Ball … or Two
When life throws you a curve ball, or a series of curve balls, you can choose to ignore it, feel despair and sadness over it, get angry over it, or make life changes in response to it. Elisabeth Kubler Ross, in her book, “On Death and Dying,” described the five stages of grief as denial,…