In the not so distant past, children were encouraged to “go outside and play” until we were called for dinner. We would participate in outdoor games with friends, or we would use the imagination to conjure up magical creatures, invisible playmates, forts and castles. As adults, we choose to set aside the magic of our…

Ghosts Among Us and Objects That Move
A few weeks ago, a dear friend I know stayed at my home for the weekend. As he sat in the backyard watching the birds in the morning, I took a quick photo. Later, when I looked at the photo I had taken, I noticed a large bright light hanging in the air around a…
Following Your Heart Can Lead You to a New State of Happiness
At times, we get locked in day-to-day challenges of life and dwell upon it. When this occurs, we are not actually resolving issues. Instead, we are either existing in the past by focusing on something that has already occurred, or we are worrying about the future such as (foreseeing) the possible ramifications when mapping out…
Finding Inspiration in Springtime
Spring is a time of hope and new beginnings. Look around you. Birds are building nests. Flowers are blooming. People are getting outdoors and mowing, riding bikes or walking. It’s time to put away that heavy winter coat, break out of your routine, and reinvigorate your life. In the Beginning While routines are comfortable and…