You’ve heard it before: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Let’s face it, life can throw some curve balls. You may have experienced something that seems life changing or traumatic, and you wonder what is the next step I need to take? There are numerous reasons you may have been “forced” into a state of…
Love Humanity and Heal Your Heart
I conducted a little experiment the other day that I urge you to try. I was exercising at the gym and raised my heart rate significantly. To reduce my blood pressure, I slowed down my activity level, took a deep breath, and visualized white light coming down from above and into the top of my head….
The Raven. The Dark Spirit. And the Chihuahua.
This is a story of the hold of heroin on the spirit of a young man and how the raven showed up to tell the tale. One day a few weeks ago, a raven showed up in my backyard and perched itself on the base of a limb not far from my back steps. He…
For Just a Moment … Breathe
Reading the daily news headlines can be depressing and stressful, but at the same time it’s important to remain aware, right? So how do we stay positive in light of it? Why not turn off the electronic noise for a moment, step back, and take a breath. What it Means to Breathe In a resting…