Have you ever seen a UFO? Did you shrug it off thinking your eyes were just playing tricks on you, or perhaps it was a sun flare, a meteor, or a military aircraft being tested? There’s a good chance that what you really saw was an Unidentified Flying Object. Almost 200,000 Sightings Reported There have…
Psychic Intuition in Animals
Ever wonder what your dog or cat is staring at when you see nothing at all? Could it be a ghost? When you see something out of the corner of your eye, you may shrug it off as being a figment of your imagination. Animals don’t judge whether something is real or not, they simply…
Becoming a Psychic Sleuth: Psychics Who Work with the Law
Psychics see visions (like a brief clip from a video), receive impressions (smell the earth, see leaves and glimpses of people and expressions), hear words from the dead and “feel” how they died (a sharp pain in the chest, a stomach ache, choking sensation, etc.), but may not always be able to pinpoint the location where the body can be found. I am one of them.
Live Intentionally and Change Your Life
In recent months two friends crossed over to the light. Kent Boxberger was a teacher and mentor and Nikola Preusser was someone I have known all of my adult life. Kent taught me to trust in self with the knowledge that things will work out. Nikola taught me the importance of living the life I…