I received a very clear message the other day from my spirit guides: Forgive EVERYONE. Forgive YOURSELF. Then forget about it. It’s the only way you will be able to progress in this life. I’ve thought about those words a lot since I heard them inside my heart a few days ago. I thought, “Sure,…
The Clairvoyant Experience: Connecting with the Dead
Life can be filled with struggles or beautiful moments, depending on your perspective. Once we die, there are no more struggles, pain or worries. In its place is a sense of freedom, energy, and all-encompassing love. Other times, those that have departed may feel they have unfinished business that needs attention and will come back…
Time Travel and Other Dimensions At Your Door
A couple of interesting experiences occurred recently, which made me realize that if you think about something long enough or talk about it, it can come into being in a most unusual way. The Birds Last week, I began taking photographs to document the variety of birds in my backyard. It occurred to me that…
Harnessing the Power to Heal Yourself
Recently, I received a psychic message as I was waking up one morning: Illness appears in the auric field before it manifests in the body. Heal the auric field. Heal the body. I wondered aloud, “What does that mean?” The auric field can best be described as an interconnected energy layer that surrounds the outside…